using HarmonyLib; using System; using UnityEngine; namespace CustomCosmeticLoader.Patches { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MarbleController), nameof(MarbleController.ApplyMyCosmetics))] internal class MarbleControllerApplyMyCosmeticsPatch { private static Cosmetic hijackSkin = null; [HarmonyPostfix] static void Postfix(MarbleController __instance) { if (!Config.enabled) return; if (Config.skinToHijack == "*") return; if (hijackSkin == null) { foreach (Cosmetic skin in CosmeticManager.Skins) { if (skin.Id == Config.skinToHijack) { hijackSkin = skin; break; } } if (hijackSkin == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't hijack skin " + Config.skinToHijack); return; } } MarbleHolder mHolder = __instance.MHolder; string actualSkinId =; mHolder.SetMarble(hijackSkin); // Setting the skin id here allows others in multiplayer/replays to see your normal skin = actualSkinId; } } }